CMC Congress 2025

We look forward to hosting you for this event.

Please note that by submitting the registration form, you confirm that you have read and agree to CMC's Code of Conduct

You should receive a confirmation email within 15 minutes of registering. Please check your junk or spam folders. 

IMPORTANT: If you are registering multiple people, please note that EACH person registered must have a unique email address. They will also receive independent confirmation of their individual registration. 



Registration Form
When registering several participants, please enter a unique email address for each of them.

Begin to type the name or acronym of the organization you are representing. Select the company name from the list if it appears.

E.g. Chair, Board Member, CEO, Staff, Other
Future communications will be in the language selected above.
Use the space above to list any dietary restrictions, requests or allergies; or any other notes or comments.

- Curated News on the Canadian co-operative sector
Bi-weekly updates on the Canadian co-operative movement. 
- CMC's Monthly Newsletter
News on CMC's activities.
Registration Fees
Total for this participant
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address

Prices are in Canadian Dollars ($ CAD).